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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3494
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) s(acrum) / Vesonia / Felicitas / ann(orum) LVIII / pia in suis  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1251 = CIL II 1509 = CILA II, 790 
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Epitafio de Campanus
 Record No. 3495
 Sepulchral inscription
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription M(arco) Vibio M(arci) f(ilio) / Pap(iria) Campano / C(aius) Marcius Linus et / Mar[cia P]usinna  Biblio EE VIII 98; CIL II2/5, 1252; CILA II, 793 
Keywords tribus 
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Epitafio de Rusticus
 Record No. 3496
 Sepulchral inscription
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription L(ucius) Vibius L(uci) f(ilius) Pap(iria) / Rusticus h(ic) s(itus) e(st) / s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis) in f(ronte) p(edes) XIIII / in a(gro) p(edes) (...)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1253; CIL II 1510 (p 869); CILA II, 794 
Keywords tribus 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3497
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Volusia / Prima h(ic) s(ita) / e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis) in f(ronte) / ped(es) XII in ag(ro) p(edes) XX  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1254 = CIL II 1511 = CILA II, 795 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3498
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription D(is) M(anibus) / [- - -]tor f(ilius?) / Atiani f(ilius?) [f(aciendum)] c(uravit?)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1255 = HEp 8, 1998, 404 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3499
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription o]ptum(a)e s(it) / [t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis) in f]ro(nte) p(edes) X / [in ag(ro) p(edes)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1256 = CILA II, 800 = HEp 7, 1997, 828 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3500
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ] / CL[- - - ann(orum)] / XVII pius in s(uis) / h(ic) s(itus) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1257 = CILA II, 807 = AE 1984, 517 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3501
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ]lius I[- - - / - - -]XVI pius in / [suis h(ic) s(itus) e(st?)] s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1258 = CILA II, 801 = AE 1984, 518 = HEp 7, 1997, 829 
Epitafio anónimo
 Record No. 3502
 Sepulchral inscription
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ]RIALIIS[- - -]ctibus urget / [- - -]adit volventibus annis / [- - -]amque remitte prior[- - - / - - - fo]rma nihil ultra dole[bit] / h(ic) s(itus?) (...)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1259 = CILA II, 802 = AE 1984, 525 = HEp 7, 1997, 830 
Keywords Carmen 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3503
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ] nihil AVC[- - - / - - -] mors fine[  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1260 = CILA II, 806 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3504
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ] pia in [suis / h(ic) s(ita) e(st) s(it)] / t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1261 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3505
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription a]nn(orum) L[- - - / - - -] h(ic) s(itus?) e(st) s(it) t(ibi) t(erra) l(evis)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1262 = CIL II 5461 = CILA II, 804 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3506
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ] in fronte [  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1263 = CILA II, 805 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3507
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ]BA[- - - / - - -]VPEI[  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1264 = CILA II, 799 = HEp 7, 1997, 827 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3508
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription L(uci?) T(- - -) I(- - -)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1265 = CIL II 6260,22 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3509
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Gelliorum / Apricelu[m]  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1266 = CILA II, 813 = HEp 7, 1997, 801 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3510
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription L(uci) Vetti C(ai) f(ilii)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1267 = CIL II 5462 (p 1004) = CILA II, 791 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3511
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Luci // [Luci]  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1268 = CIL II 4967,12a 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3512
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Lucretius  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1269 = CIL II 4967,12b 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3513
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription A POS ORD  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1270 = CIL II 6326 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3514
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription P(au)l(inu)s(?)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1271 = CIL II 6327 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3515
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription [Do]mnica / famula dei / in annis / minus vici/nti(!) d(ie) Solis / pridi{a}e Nonas / Iun(ias)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1272 = CILA II, 814 = HEp 7, 1997, 833 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3516
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription ] / condita v[ixit in saeculo] / an(nos) LII qui(evit) s(ub) [d(ie) - - -] / Iunias (a)era D[  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1273 = CILA II, 815 = HEp 5, 1995, 703 
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undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3517
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Bracari vi//vas cum tuis  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1274 = CIL II 4967 (p 1004) 
no image
undefined Inscription
 Record No. 3518
Found inÉcija, Sevilla, Andalucía, España 
Inscription Amazoni(?) vivas(?)  Biblio CIL II2/5, 1275 
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